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Omaha wins top HWAA prize

By OHC, 03/24/11, 9:50AM CDT


Five hockey associations will receive Reebok Hockey gear as part of the Reebok Hockey "Try Hockey for Free Incentive Program." The program awarded associations or rinks that attracted the most hockey newcomers ages 4-9 to Try Hockey for Free clinics held on Feb. 19 as part of Hockey Weekend Across America.

The gear was donated by Reebok Hockey in conjunction with USA Hockey to encourage hockey associations to get more kids playing the game. The equipment is intended to be used for future Try Hockey clinics and Learn-to-Play programs.

The Omaha Hockey Club was awarded the top prize - 40 sets of Reebok Hockey gloves and helmets - after attracting over 200 first-time hockey players to the Moylan Ice Plex in Omaha, Neb. The runners-up, who each received 20 sets of Reebok Hockey gloves and helmets, included the Suger Land Ice & Sports Center (Sugar Land, Texas); the York Ice Hockey Club (York, Pa.); Siouxland Youth Hockey (Sioux City, Iowa); Western Connecticut Youth Hockey (Danbury, Ct.). Overall, 182 rinks in 48 states across the nation hosted Try Hockey for Free events, with over 6,000 kids participating. A map of clinics held across the country can be found here.

NOTES:The fourth annual Hockey Weekend Across America, presented by Reebok, took place Feb. 18-20. It was created by USA Hockey in 2008 to engage the hockey community in celebrating the sport of hockey at all levels and exposing the sport to new audiences.

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