High School Club
Gamesheets App
Eligibility Criteria:
- Applicant must be a member in good standing of the Omaha High School Hockey League.
- Applicant must be a senior attending an accredited secondary institution.
- Applicant must be attending the accredited secondary institution on a full-time status (as outlined by the institution’s full time requirements).
- The Application and all required documents listed below must be submitted by Feb 28th.
Application requirements:
- Personal data, employment data, educational data, and, honors, goals, and community involvement
- Submit essay on "How Ice Hockey Has Had An Impact On My Life" -double spaced, minimum of one page
- Submit current official high school transcripts
- Submit minimum of 2 completed recommendations via PDF Email and/or PDF letter from the following: Employer, Coach, and/or Educational Instructor, Guidance Counselor, Vice Principal, Principal
ANY student athlete that was born in either 2006 or 2007 MUST complete Safe Sports training prior to participating in any team activities. This is a USA Hockey requirement, and cannot be overlooked. Link below for training.
Neck protection is required for ALL players starting AUG 1st!

If you wish to volunteer for your team and help, please get with your team managers to coordinate. We always need help monitoring locker rooms, penalty boxes, scorekeepers, student fan section monitors, All-star game, the Daegan Page Memorial tournament, and the banquet.

This registration session will allow you to provide contact information, sign consents, and submit payment. Please read through each item carefully to ensure that all information is provided accurately.